

Will on the Hill 2018 (Assisted in script development: wrote following featured jokes)

“Sen. Christopher coons *D-Del.) played Macbeth and delivered a shot at the Clintons, telling the audience: ‘My marriage inspired Bill and Hillary.’”

“I mean, you can still battle knights — just last Thursday we obliterated some knights from Las Vegas,” said "T," played by Shakespeare Theatre Company actress Victoria Frings, drawing loud cheers from the audience.”

Maya Lora - The Hill


The Baltimore waltz 2017 (Director)

"Unpredictability is a mainstay of Aleksej Aarsaether’s directing. His work champions comedy, pathos and unconventionality — and The Baltimore Waltz is no different."

Gwen Aviles - Cornell Daily Sun


The Vagina Monologues 2016 (Director)

"Powerful and gutsy, Aleksej Aarsaether was able to morph the play into something contemporary.”

“The inclusion of [various languages] nullifies any qualms that previous critics may have had about the Eurocentricity of the play. As the actresses signed the words a woman gasped. The signing of this line brought the words to life in a corporeal representation of the adversity that women face.”

- Melis Schildkraut, Cornell Daily Sun


The Thirty Minute Waltz 2014 (Director)

"The clear stand-out of the series - sharp, smart, and loaded. It’s a silly premise but one that makes no assumptions of grandeur — it’s true to itself and is geared for laughs."

- Kaitlyn Tiffany, Cornell Daily Sun